Spiritual Journey To Inner Peace

The first idea of thought to begin a stable mental process is to understand I did not create myself. Once a person can accept that piece of truth, they are ready to start their journey to inner peace.

Peace has a pattern, if we become aware of peace we can live in peace. Peace is all around us. We just have to learn to understand how peace works. Peace is a spiritual state of being. Simple, not complex, calming, not stressful, and gentle, not harmful.

Our normal state of being is peace. We did not create ourselves and the creating force that did would be known as peace the creator of creation. The will of the Creator of Peace is peace for all creation. If you do not believe do you seek to destroy all things including yourself? If no then continue in the Spirit of Peace.

True healing begins when we become self-aware. Since we did not create ourselves we have a beginning. The question is where is our place of origin? The answer is truth if you don't know for sure. Truth is a good answer because truth is defined as being really what is or actually what is. Therefore if you want to know where you actually come from you can start with truth the actual origin place for all things. Therefore the actual creator of creation is truth and truth is the creator of creation with the will for us to be in peace.


  • Freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions Meriam Webster. (2020)

  • Freedom of the mind from annoyance, distraction, anxiety, an obsession, etc.; tranquility; serenity. Dictionary.com (2020)

Creator Is Defined As Being

  • One that creates usually by bringing something new or original into being Merriam-Webster (2021)

  • A person or thing that creates Dictionary .com (2021)

Truth Is Defined As Being

  • The body of real things, events, and facts ACTUALITY Merriam Webster (2021)

  • Reality and actuality The Free Dictionary (2021)

Healing Is Defined As

  • To restore to health or soundness; cure: healed the sick patient.

  • To ease or relieve (emotional distress): Only time can heal her grief.

  • To set right; repair: healed the rift between us.

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