Feelings and Emotions

When thinking about feelings there has to be an understanding of the context in which the word feeling is being used. A feeling can be a noun or verb.

Feeling as a (Noun)

  • A sensation experienced through this sense (Touch) Merriam Webster (2020)

  • An awareness or impression. The Free Dictionary (2020)

Feeling as a (Verb)

  • To experience an emotion or a physical feeling Cambridge Dictionary (2020)

  • To sense a physical, mental, or emotional state Merriam Webster (2020)

When practicing self-awareness, a person has to be aware of what they are feeling from the outside environment and also how they are feeling on the inside of themselves. Balancing the two will help in maintaining a peaceful mindset.

For practice, a person can go to the park and just sit and observe nature. They can pay attention to how the surrounding environment makes them feel. They also can examine the thoughts they have while being in the park.

Emotions are a part of the peaceful mindset as well. When a person starts to sense their feelings about a subject the feeling can build in strength and become an emotion.


  • A conscious mental reaction (such as anger or fear) is subjectively experienced as a strong feeling usually directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body. Merriam-Webster (2020)

  • Emotions are intense “stirred up” feelings, usually directed toward a specific person or event, and involving widespread visceral and skeletal changes. Psychology Dictionary (2020)

Emotion is a feeling expressed in strength which can be positive or negative. Peace can be a strong emotion that can produce a relaxing and calming effect on the body and mind. A person has to practice maintaining their peace every day. It is like how exercising can build muscles.

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