Peace And Disturbances
Freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions Meriam Webster. (2020)
Freedom of the mind from annoyance, distraction, anxiety, an obsession, etc.; tranquility; serenity. (2020)
The definition of peace we will be using is the one above, because it fits with the subject matter of thoughts and the mind. Having a peaceful mind is the beginning place of thinking and is the type of mind to be in all situations. When something starts to disrupt the peaceful mind, it is called a disturbance.
An interruption of a state of peace, quiet, or calm Merriam-Webster (2020)
Mental or emotional unbalance or disorder The Free (2020)
The state of being a person is in after the breathing exercise when they are just feeling and being in the moment without disruption, is peace. Disturbances can be from the outside environment that causes a person to react in thinking or behaving a certain way.
Disturbances can generate from the inside as well from memories that have learned behaviors and understandings of right and wrong. Once a person is in a peaceful state of being and can identify that their peace is being disrupted. They have to understand and try to find the cause of the disruption.
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